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Teaching and Exams Organisation- 2nd Semester 2020-2021

Information école



Academic year 2020-2021, second semester 

Following the announcements of the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic and in  accordance with the provisions of the circular of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and  Innovation of 22 January 2021 communicated by the President of the University, the modalities  of organization of the courses and exams at TSM are adapted as follows. 

1. General regime relating to teaching methods 

⋅ Students enrolled in Bachelor and Master (M1) programmes can return to TSM premises  from Monday 8 February, to attend the half-gauge tutorials in strict compliance with the  current health regulations (respect of barrier gestures, regular hand washing, wearing of  masks, respect of social distancing and traffic flows). 

⋅ Lectures at the Bachelor and Master levels remain taught remotely. 

⋅ Both in Bachelor’s and Master’s levels, the class is divided into two cohorts, each bringing  together half of the students in the class. During a given week, one cohort attends the face to-face lectures, one cohort attends the same lectures remotely, and vice versa the following  week. 

⋅ The principle of co-modality of teaching, i.e. the simultaneous management of a physical  class and an online virtual class, is therefore maintained for tutorials, in order to take into  account students who cannot or do not wish to travel on site.  

⋅ The schedules communicated at the beginning of the semester are maintained as they are.  On-site students go to the room or amphitheatre assigned to them in order to attend the  courses in co-modality or remotely. The University arranges the technical and logistical  conditions necessary for the implementation of co-modality and distance learning courses. 

⋅ Above all, we must ensure that courses are held in good conditions for all, on and off site,  and take into account the logistical difficulties and psychological fatigue faced by students.  In order to allow for the necessary break time, teaching sequences (course or tutorials) may  not exceed 60 minutes. Tutorials started before 6pm can take place on site until their  completion. Tutorials starting at 18:30 must be given remotely. 

2. Derogations 

⋅ Programmes offered entirely in distance learning mode in the first half of the year remain  entirely delivered in distance learning mode in the second half of the year. 

⋅ The first year specialisation courses and the second year conferences of the doctoral  programme continue to be offered in face-to-face sessions, given the number of students. 

⋅ In Master’s full-time programmes, the lectures given by professionals may be offered in co modality or in full distance learning. The second year of the Master's programme can be  offered in co-modality, distance learning or face-to-face, in strict compliance with health  safety regulations.

⋅ The programme directors will inform students at least one week before the lecturer's  intervention of any derogatory teaching methods. 

⋅ Given the specific features of the executive education and work-study programmes, courses  may be offered in co-modality, distance learning or face-to-face teaching, in strict  compliance with health regulations. Schedules are programmed in full days, weeks or  half-weeks due to the geographical remoteness of some learners. 

⋅ The organisation of lessons and exams on our partner premises can be adapted to suit local  specificities, in strict compliance with health regulations. 

3. Exams 

⋅ Irrespective of any changes in the health situation, the second semester exams will be  organised remotely, in order to adapt the content of the exams as much as possible and to  secure the students' preparation work. 

4. Student mentors 

⋅ The mentoring system set up for undergraduate students has been extended to all TSM  Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral students. All students are invited to contact the mentors  that have been assigned to them to advise them on the services to be requested in the event  of difficulties. This system is coordinated by a professor referent. Specific information will be  given in the first week of February. 

5. Health situation 

⋅ The University is working on the installation of a Covid-19 testing unit on site which will allow,  on a voluntary and confidential basis, to facilitate testing for our entire community, faculty,  administrative staff and students. If you have any questions about the health measures in  place, please check the following link: Informations_Coronavirus_FAQ_Etudiants.  

In line with the measures implemented at the start of the academic year, our decisions are  guided by the gradual return of students to the TSM premises, a controlled pedagogical  transition and the consistency of our administrative organisation. They have been taken in  consultation with the department heads, programme directors and administrative staff and in  consultation with the student representatives, whom we thank for their contribution and sense  of responsibility. 

Hervé Penan
Dean of TSM 

Thursday 28 January 2021

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