photo de profil d'un membre

Pedro Fachini Lustosa Da Costa

Pedro Henrique Fachini Lustosa da Costa


Brazilian lawyer and Master’s in Finance student highly interested in companies and financial instruments that generate profits while preserving the environment and without leaving anybody behind.

Expériences professionnelles

Legal adviser

BridgeHub , Brasília

De Juin 2022 à Septembre 2022

BridgeHub’s a Brazilian equity crowdfunding platform. I was responsible for the due diligence of the companies raising funds through the platform, writing the investment agreements (convertible notes), and doing the investors’ background checks.

Corporate legal specialist

Ontop , Miami

De Février 2022 à Mai 2022

Ontop’s a startup that offers HR and financial services for clients from all over the Globe.
Main activities: Write and analyze commercial agreements between parties from different countries. Conceived Ontop’s internal policies and procedures. Provide legal counsel/advice to other sectors of the company. All work is performed in English.


Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (STF) , Brasília - Stage

De Février 2020 à Décembre 2021

Wrote decisions and votes proclaimed by Justice Fux after revision by superiors, and assisted with legal research. Analyzed procedural aspects and relevance of Court appeals. Produced decisions denying appeals that didn't comply with formal and Constitutional requisites

Usher at ilo's 108th international labour conference

Organisation Internationale du Travail (ILO) , Genève

De Juin 2019 à Juin 2019

Organized meetings held by delegates of employers, employees, and government officials from all over the world to discuss the future of work and its consequent standards and regulations. More than 40 heads of State and Governments addressed the ILC, which led to a Convention on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.

Formations complémentaires

Bachelor of Laws

University of Brasília

2016 à 2021

Law degree with a thesis on "The Possibility of State Intervention (in Brazil) to Regulate ESG Investment Funds". This degree allows me to practice law in Brazil.

Exchange Program

University of Siena - Law

2019 à 2020

Relevant course work: International Markets Law, Agri-Environmental Sustainability Law, and Comparative Public Law.


Cidadania (political party)

Participant and Overseer at Meeting of Young Leaders

Parcours officiels

TSM – Master – Finance – 2024 – M2 mention Finance - parcours Corporate Finance (Césure)
TSM – Master – Finance – 2023 – M1 mention Finance - parcours Finance


Anglais - Courant

Italien - Courant

Portugais - Langue maternelle

Français - Notions

Espagnol - Notions


Rédaction contrat
Due diligences
Coopération et travail en équipe
Finance verte
Finance d'entreprise
Organisaiton, adpatation et polyvalence