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Amazon Careers Festival - Highered




Thinking about your first job or internship? 

Join Amazon’s Career Festival, exclusively for students and recent graduates in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. During this five-day festival, you'll learn how to ace the Amazon application, discover Amazon’s peculiar culture, get careers advice from Amazonians, speak directly to Amazon recruiters to ask questions and much more!

Register Now!

 Event Details

Date: Monday 26th – Friday 30th September 2022  

Location: Virtual


Monday 26th September: Welcome to Amazon

Tuesday 27th September: Meet our Amazonians

Wednesday 28th September: Understanding Amazon’s Culture

Thursday 29th September: Ace your Amazon Application

Friday 30th September: Find your role at Amazon (speak directly to our recruiters!)

Who is eligible to attend: This event is open to all undergraduate, MBA, PhD students and recent graduates looking for opportunities where we have open roles across EMEA.

How to RSVP: To see the full schedule and to register click here. Closer to the event, you will receive an email with one joining link for the entire week-long event, but you don't have to commit to attending every session!

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