The internships

Key things to know before you go!

Internship Office
Phone +33 (0)

Below you will find all the information you need about internships :

🔔 Agreements & amendments

All internships (required or optional) must be formalized in an internship agreement.

All requests have to be made via  tsm-connect at least 15 days prior to the beginning of your internship period.

Any modification to your internship agreement will have to be notified through an amendment.

📅 Periods

Mandatory internship: from 1st september 2024 to 31 August 2025
Only for Master 2: from 1st september 2024 to 31 October 2025 (31 dec. by derogation)
Optional internship: from 1st september 2024 to 31 August 2025

Click here to consult the internship calendar for each training course.

⏳ Duration

There is no minimum duration (unless specified in the Examination Orders)

924 hours maximum in the same compagny (equivalent to 6 months in 35h/week)

💰 Stipend

Mandatory for internships that last longer than 308h (equivalent to 2 months) done in metropolitan France or in some of the French Overseas Territories. : 4,05€.

Minimum hourly rate: 4,05 euros.
For more information, click here.

For internships abroad, the stipend must comply with the legislation of the host country.

📃 Internship guide
Consult the internship guide of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
👉 Contact

If you need more information, contact the Internship Office :

Office AF34
Phone: +33 (0)5 61 63 56 60

Impossible to start an internship without a validated and signed agreement!

To be done at least 15 days before the beginning of the internship TSM-Connect

1.  Login

Log in to TSM Connect and create an application for an internship agreement.

👈 Left sidebar:
My agreements > Add an internship agreement

2.  Fill in the form

Fill in all the fields in the form.

🤨 If in doubt:
- I contact the company for further information
- I consult the Fill in the agreement section on this page.

While waiting for the answers, I save the convention as a "draft".

3.  Documents to submit

Internship in France:
- Public liability insurance certificate ("responsabilité civile")
- Health insurance certificate
- Current residence permit (non-European foreign student)

✈ Internship abroad:
- Private insurance certificate (repatriation, civil liability, personal insurance)
- Social security (European social security card or international health insurance)
- Current residence permit (non-European foreign student)

4.  Validation

When the request is sent, the educational manager checks the missions and validates or not the agreement
=> Pedagogical validation

If everything is OK, the internship office also validates the agreement
=> Administrative validation

5.  Send by email

The company tutor and the student receive the agreement by e-mail.

Once signed, the student must send the document by e-mail to the internship office:
=> Complete validation

Process file

Some companies prefer to use their own convention. In this case, the process is as follows:

1. Request for an agreement

Apply for a standard agreement on TSM Connect.

This agreement will not be sent to the company: it will allow the school to follow up.

2. Title of the internship

Fill in all the fields of the form. Indicate "Company agreement" in the title of the internship.
=> the internship office will thus apply the process of company-specific agreements.

If I don't know all the data in the form, I save the agreement as a "draft"

3.  Information to be given

Provide the company with the information to be included on their agreement:
- Name of the university: Toulouse school of management ; Université Toulouse Capitole
- Address : 2 rue du doyen Gabriel Marty 31042 Toulouse cedex 9
- Represented by Hervé Penan, Dean of the Toulouse school of management.
- The exact title of your programme as well as your academic advisor’s name and surname.

4.  Validation

Once the student receives the agreement from the company, he/she sends it to

❗ Before this sending:
- the agreement must at least be signed by the student
- the application on TSM Connect must be validated by the academic advisor

5.  Signatures

The agreement is sent to the TSM administration for signature.

The company and the student then receive the agreement by e-mail.

Once signed by all parties, the student sends the agreement to before the first day of the internship.

Process file
Pour assurer votre suivi et rattacher votre expérience pro à votre profil, il faut toujours faire une demande de convention 

📄 Other contracts (fixed-term, VIE...)

The internship can be replaced by another contract: fixed-term contract, permanent contract, pedagogical agreement, civic service, VIE...
👉 in relation with the university program!

In these cases:

1. Login to TSM Connect and request an internship agreement. This agreement will not be sent to the company, but will allow you to attach the work experience to your profile.

2. Indicate the type of contract (e.g. permanent contract) in the title of the internship and fill in all the information.

3. Submit the request for validation.

4. Once the contract is signed, send a copy to 

🧰 Entrepreneurship

The internship can be an opportunity to work on your business creation project
👉 in relation with the university program!

In these cases:

1. Apply for an internship agreement on TSM Connect indicating:

Internship title: Entrepreneurship
Signatory: student's name
Internship tutor of the company: name and surname of the teacher following the project

2. Sent to :
- If the company already exists: proof (e.g. SIREN)
- If the company does not exist: an e-mail from the academic advisor stating that the project will be validated even if the company has not yet been created at the end of the internship.

🌏 Double degree

Only one agreement is needed: either signed by TSM or by the partner school.

1. If you choose to do the TSM agreement:
Follow the classic application process for an internship agreement on TSM Connect

2. If you choose to do the convention of the partner school:
- Make a request for an agreement on TSM Connect, indicating the name of the partner school in the internship title  (e.g. INSA agreement)
This agreement will not be sent to the company.
- Once the partner school agreement is signed, the student sends a copy to 

Any change to an agreement requires an amendment: modification of the dates or location of the internship, cancellation or termination, change of tutor, introduction of teleworking, etc.   

1. TSM Connect

- Login to TSM Connect and access the convention dashboard.

👈 Left sidebar :
My agreements > My internship agreements

- Find the agreement you want to modify and click on the Action >> Add an amendment.

- Choose the reason for the amendment and send.

2. Validation

Once the application has been sent, the academic advisor may or may not approve it

=>Pedagogical validation

- If everything is OK, the internship office validates the document

=> Administrative validation

3. Send by email

The company tutor and the student receive the amendment by e-mail. Once the document has been signed, the student sends it to the internship office: 

=> Complete validation

👉 Check the internship records on in order to:
- know the companies that have recruited in your field in previous years
- get in touch with students who have done their internship in these companies

👉 Check the internship offers available on These offers are submitted directly by recruiters.

👉 Check TSM's partner platforms, for internships in France and abroad:

👉 Get involved in the internship day.
The annual edition of the forum takes place in November.

Evaluation criteria are defined in the examination decree. 

Assessment can take the shape of a training report, a presentation in front of a jury or an end-of-course thesis.

Internship quality assessment

An evaluation form will be sent to the training supervisor as well as the student so as to assess the quality of the training-course.  This message will be sent 15 days before the end date of the internship specified in the agreement and/or the rider.

Internship certificate

You will find below your end of internship certificate to download: this will allow you to prove the completion of the internship and to assert the rights to retirement in the case of a gratified internship.

Download the attestation (french version)
Download the attestation (english version)

We have identified a few points that may help you to complete your agreement. We list them below:

👉 Type of agreement

-    Convention de stage FR : for internships taking place in France. Form is to be filled in French

-    Internship agreement EN : form is to be filled in English

-    Formation continue : for use by executive education students only.

📃 General information

SIRET / APE Code  : only for companies located in France
Referent teacher: your academic advisor
Dates : start of the contract, end of contract, interruptions or rhythm if you have a part-time internship.
Schedule: days and hours you intend to be at your host organisation, or hours of operation. Example: Monday to Friday, 9am to 12.30pm and 1.30pm to 5.30pm
Subject of internship / Skills to be acquired or developed Activities assigned: àto be defined with your academic advisor and/or your company tutor
Caisse Primaire d'Assurance Maladie (Health insurance): 
🚩 - Your are french or french resident: information contained on your health insurance certificate (to be downloaded on
🚩 -You are a foreigner from a country out of the European Union: certificate to be downloaded on
🚩 - You are an EU citizen: information contained on your European Health Insurance Card.

✔ Documents to submit

Internship in France:
- Public liability insurance certificate ("responsabilité civile")
- Health insurance certificate
- Current residence permit (non-European foreign student)

✈ Internship abroad:
- Private insurance certificate (repatriation, civil liability, personal insurance)
- Social security (European social security card or international health insurance)
- Current residence permit (non-European foreign student)

Period: from 1st september 2024 to 31 August 2025

Applications for a gap year are to be made on e-candidature and are validated by the academic advisors.

Gap years can take several forms:

1. Internship 

2. Employment contract 

3. Unpaid work experience as volunteer 

4. Planning a business creation as a student-business owner

5. Enrolling in the Service Civique scheme (volunteering with “Service Civique”, volunteering in non-profit organisations, international volunteering in an administration or in a company, international aid volunteer, European Voluntary Service, Service Civique des Sapeurs-Pompiers)

If you’re planning to go abroad, please refer to the International internship section on this page.

📅 Duration

Total length of your internship cannot exceed 924 hours (any prolongation included) within the same company, during the same academic year.

💰 Stipend

If you intern in a country other than France, French rules concerning the required stipend for interns are not applicable, and your internship may be unpaid.

📄 Internship agreement

The internship agreement is mandatory.

🔸 For more information on the agreements, see the Application for an internship agreement and et How to fill the agreement sections on this page.

Looking for an international internship

Internship offers are available via Highered et GoingGlobal websites. You can always access to their sites from the Internships tab on TSM-Connect.

Scholarships can be granted to help you pay for your stay abroad. You can find all the information regarding scholarships on the Financer sa mobilité, managed by the SCREI, Service Commun des Relations Européennes et Internationales of the University Toulouse 1 – Capitole.

Preparing for you departure

Internships abroad are allowed if the country of destination is not at risk. The University reserves the right to refuse to sign an internship agreement if the internship takes place in a foreign country classified at risk by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE). Click here to access to safety and health information of the host country.

Before your departure, you must report to the MEAE by registering on the Ariane website. Click here to access.

Health and safety

Concerning your social protection abroad, you should contact your primary health insurance fund: or for foreign students. Consult the Cleiss website for all the information of the host country.

You are covered against the risks of accidents at work by French legislation if the following conditions are met:

  • Your gratuity is no more than 12.5% of the social security hourly limit
  • The internship is for a period of 6 months or less
  • The internship agreement has been signed by all parties (by the University, the host organization and the student)

If the bonus of the internship is higher than 12.5% of the hourly social security ceiling, you no longer benefit from the social protection of the French system:

  • It is necessary to check that there is an adequate social protection system in the host country, in particular against the risk of accidents at work and occupational diseases, and to ensure that the host company pays the contributions relating to the coverage of this risk
  • If the local system does not provide for social protection, it is advisable to take out insurance with the Caisse des Français de l'Etranger or with a private insurance company.


For all internships abroad:

  • You must read the appendix internship abroad which include:
    - Safety recommendations
    - Conditions of entry and stay in the host country
    - Information on insurance
  • You must take out private insurance covering medical repatriation, advance or excess costs and legal assistance. The insurance certificate must be attached to the internship agreement.
  • If you are a French citizen who plans to be in a foreign country longer than 6 months (counting your time before and after the internship), you should register yourself on the Registre des Français établis hors de France through the closest Consulate or Embassy. Citizens of other countries should look into similar registries as offered by their home countries..