EFMD Virtual Career Fair - Day 2: Management - Organisation - Leadership - Business - Strategy

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From 15 to 17 September will take place a virtual career fair in the fields of management, organization, leadership, business and strategy, the perfect opportunity to find an internship or international work experience in France or abroad.  The event is organized by the European foundation for management development (EFMD) and Highered. Following a partnership signed by the school, all TSM students and graduates have access to it.

To participate, log in to Highered using your "firstname.lastname@tsm-education" address.

Access to EFMD Virtual Career

Here is the program of these three days:

  • 15 September: Preparation Day

9:00 - Company Overview
Company Booths will be open and visible to talent. This will give talent the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the platform and participating companies and organisations, check available positions and organise their recruiting days.

10:00 and 16:00 - CV Optimization Clinic
Have your CV optimised by Dr. Amber Wigmore Alvarez

12:00 to 14:00 - Live Opening Conference
Hear from our favorite Careers gurus and presenters with valuable insight for all stages of your career trajectory.

  • 16 & 17 September: Recruiting Days

Asia-Pacific Stream
3:00 - 11:00

Europe, Middle East & Africa Stream
9:00 - 17:00

Americas Stream
15:00 - 23:00

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