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The gratification of the trainees is revalorized in 2023

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Dear students,

Good news for interns as we enter 2023! 🎉💰 

As of January 1, 2023, the hourly social security ceiling will increase. The minimum bonus per hour of internship increases to 4.05 euros, instead of 3.90 euros.

Consult the order

IMPORTANT : if your internship agreement was validated with the old minimum gratification, the internship office will not issue an amendment. You must inform your host organization to apply this new amount as of January 1, 2023.

Reminder: When the duration of an internship exceeds two months, consecutive or not, during the calendar or academic year, a gratuity becomes mandatory.
This allowance is paid each month and is due from the first day of the first month of the internship period.

For the calculation of the duration of your internship: one month corresponds to an effective presence of 22 days, consecutive or not, and 7 hours of presence, consecutive or not, count as 1 day.

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