Teaching and exams organisation
Academic year 2020-2021, second semester
The health situation due to the circulation of the Coronavirus on the national territory must lead us to maintain our vigilance. We have proposed the organisation modalities of the courses and exams of the academic year 2020-2021 second semester to all department heads, taking into account the opinions of the programme directors, the administrative officers and the student representatives. Our decisions are taken with consideration for students and in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. The provisions adopted may be subject to change according to new developments in the health situation.
Teaching modalities
- In line with the decisions taken for the first semester, students benefit from a system combining face-to-face teaching in small groups, in strict compliance with health safety regulations, and online teaching, both synchronous and asynchronous, including a variety of teaching activities.
- The principle adopted for the second semester of the academic year is that of the co-modality of teaching for lectures and tutorials, i.e. the simultaneous management of a physical class and a virtual online class. This is a system that limits the number of students, allows for a gradual educational transition and maintains socialisation between students.
- For both Bachelor’s and Master’s level, the class is divided into two cohorts, each bringing together half of the students in the class. In a given week, one cohort attends face-to-face courses while the other cohort attends the same course online, and vice versa the following week.
- Above all, we have to ensure good conditions for all and take into account the logistical difficulties faced by our students to attend their courses on a day-to-day basis. The course schedule is therefore arranged in such a way that the groups are set up to combine weeks and days of distance learning and face-to-face teaching.
- The professionalisation schemes offered by the Corporate Relations Office are maintained and dematerialised.
- The programmes offered entirely in remote mode in the first semester remain in distance learning in the second semester.
- The courses of the first year of the doctoral programme will be offered remotely from 4 January, then in person from 18 January (for specialist courses and given the number of students).
- The lectures given by professionals in the first and second year of Master’s programmes can be offered in co-modality or in full distance learning.
- Courses in Master 2 full-time programmes can be offered in co-modality or remotely in strict compliance with health regulations.
- Due to the specific features of executive education and work-study programmes, courses may be offered in co-modality, full distance learning or full face-to-face teaching, in strict compliance with health safety regulations, particularly those relating to the capacity of teaching rooms. Class schedules are planned in full days or half-weeks, given the geographical remoteness of some learners.
- The exams in Bachelor 1, Bachelor 2, Bachelor 3 and Master 1 will take place from 29 March to 16 April 2021. The exams will be held face-to-face, subject to changes in the health situation.
- The exams in Master 2 full-time programmes scheduled for January and February 2021 will be organised remotely.
- In executive education and work-study programmes, the exams will take place in face-to-face mode in strict compliance with health regulations. If the size of the premises does not allow these sanitary rules to be respected, the exams will be organised in remote mode.
Mentorship for Bachelor students
- A mentoring system has been set up for Bachelor students. Bachelor students are offered a mentor who is responsible for finding out about their situation and advising them on the services to be requested or the action to be taken in case of difficulties. The mentors, mainly recruited among students enrolled in the third year of their Bachelor’s degree, will be trained and operational as of 4 January to support first and second year Bachelor students as a matter of priority, but also any Bachelor student in difficulty. This mentorship is coordinated by a faculty member in charge of monitoring and assessing the system.
Hervé Penan
Dean of TSM
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