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Master Future French Luxury at INP Purpan: 20 places to be filled

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The PURPAN Foundation is financing 10 places in the Future French Luxury (FFL) specialised master's programme (Bac +6). Considered as a symbol of the best that the PURPAN School of Engineering is capable of offering in the analysis of responsible sectors, this programme is supported by the Foundation, which is thus participating in the action initiated by the School.

The Foundation will offer tuition to 10 students in 2022/2023 and 10 students in 2023/2024 who wish to enrich their knowledge by understanding the holistic and responsible vision of the French luxury jewels. This action will take the form of "scholarships" which will offset the tuition fees of 11,000 euros, thus opening the possibility of welcoming profiles (students or professionals) for whom the programme would otherwise be inaccessible.

« We have believed in this training since the beginning and our role is to support both the students and the School in a common dynamic. We are there for that when it makes sense; this is already the case in our funding of research theses », emphasises Bruno de Cambiaire, President of the PURPAN Foundation.

The PURPAN School of Engineering is changing, this is the first message of the School's new policy to support its student projects. Other actions are to come very soon; the dynamic is underway.


The tuition-free places are open only to French and foreign students and professionals at Master 2 / Bac+5 level, whatever the discipline studied and whatever the age of the candidate.

Interested candidates should request a file from and return it, completed, before 15 May. After reading their application and validation of their application by the programme team, they will be interviewed (remotely) in English to validate their motivation and their ability to follow the programme. Candidates selected for the open places will be contacted before the end of June.

They will be exempted from the tuition fees (normally 11,000 euros/year/student) and will only have to pay the administrative fee of 850 euros per student at the beginning of the school year.

About the Specialised Masters Future French Luxury (FFL)
Launched in September 2020, this Specialised Master's degree (BAC+6) aims to train the managers of tomorrow's responsible luxury industries. It is designed to be accessible to international students (courses are entirely in English).

Accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Écoles, it is conducted in English and includes 6 months of classes and 6 months of internship.

Click here to find out more about the programme

Acting in the direction of transition

Many luxury companies are unanimous: Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) has become a driver of competitiveness and growth, and a major competitive advantage. By reinventing economic models and modifying management and governance methods, it makes it possible to combine economic, environmental and societal performance while rebuilding a relationship of trust between consumers and producers.

« This programme of excellence is strong in its uniqueness and legitimacy: it anticipates that the luxury sector cannot survive without CSR. The transformation is underway and it is important to act now in the direction of the transition », says Eléonore VERFAILLIE, in charge of the programme.

Responsible luxury « PURPAN style »

If the vision of luxury has for a long time been based on the downstream part of the sectors and focused on the development of brands, on exports and on selective distribution, it has sometimes forgotten to value the upstream part of the sectors: exceptional products from the terroirs, from almost ancestral know-how but also from innovation.

« If the manufacturing workshops are rightly valued by certain major houses, we still need to go back up the chain to acquire a global vision and thus be able to build a complete sustainable strategy », says Eric LATGÉ, General Director of the School.

With this course, PURPAN's School of Engineering aims to train, in one year, managers in charge of SD - CSR (Sustainable Development - Corporate Social Responsibility) issues in the luxury industry, most often responsible for cross-functional projects or pilot activities.

In this capacity, they will have to:

  • Work autonomously and in an international context, and most of the time in interface with the other actors of the sector (purchase, production, logistics, marketing...).
  • Master the entire value chain (value creation/impact limitation) in order to be able to make informed decisions and lead the change process in the direction of sustainable development objectives.
  • To be able to assess, resolve, control and anticipate all CSR risks but also to develop innovative solutions and systems. After having integrated the codes of French luxury, they will be able to embody and promote the excellence and transparency that consumers around the world are demanding today.

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