Next January 13th and 14th, the International Days event will take place, entirely online.
The TSM International Days aim at increasing students’ international exposure and awareness of major challenges that business and society encounter in a global world. During two days, Licence 3 and Master 1 students follow a minimum of three seminars of their choice out of a catalogue of seminars provided by international experts around a pre-defined overall topic of international span (e.g. in 2021: “Sustainable Business for a Sustainable Planet”, in 2022: “Business Ethics around the world”). Experts are academics and practitioners in various fields (strategy, marketing, human resource management, finance, accounting, etc.) who share in 1.30-hour seminars their knowledge and experience and confront students with different perspectives on issues of international scope.
The website and programme of seminars are now available. The deadline to register for your 3 seminars is January 5th.
Participation in this event is restricted to, and mandatory for the students of the following programmes:
- Licence 3 compta-contrôle iut rodez
- Licence 3 comptabilité contrôle
- Licence 3 bachelor of science in global management
- Licence 3 majeure management
- Licence 3 majeure marketing
- Master 1 comptabilité contrôle audit
- Master 1 contrôle de gestion et audit organisationnel
- Master 1 droit et gestion des entreprises
- Master 1 finance
- Master 1 management des ressources humaines
- Master 1 international management
- Master 1 management du sport
- Master 1 management stratégique
- Master 1 marketing stratégique
- Master 1 international marketing of innovation
Please note the programme is still provisional. More information and seminars will be coming up shortly.
Visit the International Days website
Seminars will take place on Zoom and the access links will appear on each page dedicated to a seminar. They are not available yet. You will have to visit the website on the day of your seminar to find the Zoom link.

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