International Days 2023: top 10 of the best videos 📹
2023-03-31 09:00:00
2023-03-31 09:47:31
2023-03-29 14:48:29
Pauline Harkness
On January 11 and 12, the TSM International Days took place on the theme "A World in Transition". During this event, more than 700 L3 and M1 students were able to attend seminars given by 19 speakers specialised in transition and innovation, from different universities and professional areas, in France and abroad.Following this event, students worked in teams to prepare a 3-minute video pitch on a topic of their choice related to the general theme of the event, "A World in Transition". The students had to show their ability to grasp the theme by choosing a specific topic and presenting it to the other students. And in English of course!As part of a peer to peer pedagogical method, each student was to assess 3 video pitches based on various criteria, including clarity, creativity and the ability to present their topic. Congratulations to all students for taking up the International Days 2023 video challenge! Discover the top 10 videos best rated by the students:1- A.I: usefulness and challengesMARIA BOUDJEMAL, M1 GRH Management des ressources humaines ANAIS LORENT, M1 Marketing StratégiqueCHARLES LOURDET, M1 FinanceTHUC NHI TRAN, M1 International ManagementSOPHIE ROUANET, M1 International ManagementVideo2- The A.I for the energy transitionNOLWEN TALI, L3 ManagementGUILLAUME GWENEVAN, L3 MarketingKATIE RIVIERE, L3 Comptabilité - ContrôleTOM LEGENDRE, L3 ManagementCAMILLE MARTELL, L3 ManagementVideo3- What to think of A.I?LUCAS PIESSEAU, L3 Comptabilité - ContrôleDANYA BELGHACHE, L3 MarketingOMAR AMILI, L3 MarketingJUSTINE VIDAL, L3 ManagementLUCA VASSILIADIS, L3 ManagementVideo4- A.I RapCLARISSE MAZEREEUW, L3 ManagementYANN N'DJA, L3 MarketingBEN CHATER, L3 ManagementCHARLES-ALEXANDRE TESTUT, L3 ManagementVideo5- Corporate Social ResponsibilityALANA LENAGHAN, L3 Comptabilité - ContrôleCAMILLE JOSÉ, L3 MarketingHADRIEN DIGON, L3 ManagementFANTINE MAURIES, L3 ManagementBASTIEN ROUX, L3 Comptabilité – ContrôleVideo6- Artificial IntelligenceVIET TRINH DO, M1 Comptabilité - contrôle - auditMOUSSA TASNIME, M1 CGAO Contrôle de gestion et audit organisationnelPIERRE FOURQUET, M1 Marketing StratégiqueANAIS GALLOUEDEC, M1 International ManagementROMANE CORREIA, M1 MarketingVideo7- Emotional A.I in marketingTOM CLISSON, M1 Marketing StratégiqueJOSEPHINE MOULIAC, M1 MarketingALEXANDRE BRGAN, M1 FinanceBA-KHUONG DANG, M1 FinanceANAIS LEVEJAC, M1 International ManagementVideo8- Impact of carbon footprint and how to reduce itEMMA FRAYSSE, L3 ManagementCLAUDIA FORNIES CACERES, L3 Comptabilité - ContrôleARNAUD AYGALENQ, L3 Comptabilité - ContrôleGABRIEL BADIANE, L3 ManagementAUDREY BONHOMME, L3 MarketingVideo8- Can Artificial Intelligence be unlimited? JEANNE LIEGE, L3 ManagementSELMA EL MAHI, L3 ManagementFRANCOIS BRAVO, L3 Comptabilité - ContrôleCARLA RAMADE, L3 MarketingVideo9- Transition in human resources, finance, sports and fashionMARINE ANDRIEU, M1 GRH Management des ressources humainesHELOISE LUCANTE, M1 Management stratégiqueLUCAS SERRECCHIA, M1 CGAO Contrôle de gestion et audit organisationnelMAIMOUNA BA, M1 FinanceSIMON GRAILLON, M1 Management du SportVideo10- GreenwashingAMAYA GAUTIER, L3 MarketingELISE GASTALDI, L3 ManagementNIZELA MOKAMBILA, L3 Comptabilité - ContrôleELIOTT VIDAL, L3 ManagementNI AN, L3 MarketingVideo
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