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CEO for One Month, the Adecco Group program

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As a leading global provider of employment and human resources solutions, The Adecco Group invites students to apply for the CEO for One Month programme.

CEO for One Month is :

  • An innovative and open recruitment process without a CV, open to all who are interested in the personality of the candidates.
  • Online reasoning and personality tests for a better understanding of oneself.
  • A virtual bootcamp consisting of fun tests and individual and team work situations.
  • For the CEO for one month:
    - an experience alongside Alexandre VIROS, CEO France of The Adecco Group,
    - the chance to benefit from an enriching experience,
    - the opportunity to discover the strategic challenges of a company, to experience management committees from the inside, and to meet CEOs of other major French or international companies,
    - a fixed-term contract of one month, from 10 June to 10 July (dates subject to change).

Applications: from 11/01/2021 to 19/03/2021.


  • To be over 18 years of age;
  • Less than two years' professional experience (excluding student jobs, internships and work-study programmes).

For more information, download the presentation of the programme.

I apply!

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