🌍 Discover the forum on ecological transition careers: A must-attend event for a green future! 🌿✨"
🌍 Toulouse Métropole and its partners, including local authorities, businesses, major corporations, actors from the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), as well as employment and entrepreneurship actors, warmly invite you to participate in a Careers Forum dedicated to ecological transition professions. 🌿✨
📆: Thursday, December 14th from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM
📍: Toulouse Hall 8 (on the Ile du Ramier)
It is open to everyone and targets diverse audiences: students, job seekers, individuals in career transition, entrepreneurs, project leaders, and will cover several aspects:
🌿📚 Awareness of ecological transition and the evolution of professions
🔍 Discovery and testimonies about professions
🎓 Presence of training entities
💼🌱 Entrepreneurship
💡👥 A job dating focusing on 6 sectors: circular economy, waste management, sustainable mobility, etc

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